Violet Staples

A Conversation with Violet Staples–Denholm

Violet StaplesEarlier this month, we had the pleasure of welcoming Violet Staples-Denholm to the LPS family. Violet is our Distributions Sales Coordinator, supporting our newly established network of sales agents as part of a growth strategy within the wholesaler sector. We thought we would get to know her better:


You have worked for some major outdoor lighting brands, why outdoor lighting?

Following years of working for an energy company, a close friend (also in lighting) introduced me to lighting. They recommended me for a job with Kingfisher Lighting, and from then I was hooked.

I love seeing a project from start to finish. Getting the technical aspects right to ensure safety, quality, and costs.

And it’s not just the work that’s appealing; everyone I have come across in the industry is friendly and loyal. I have met some of my closest friends over the last few years and built strong relationships with amazing customers, making my work-life balance easier as I always enjoy going to work.

Lighting is inclusive and changing rapidly.

What differentiates LPS?

LPS is still relatively new, but the experience within it amounts to over 20 years, everyone works together and chips in to make it work.

Everyone at LPS wants the best for our customers and puts them first, which works for me as I believe in sales through service.

It was instantly noticeable that the team is not overly hierarchical, as, in the industry, most people have worked from the bottom upwards. So, it’s incredible to have directors who know what I need and get stuck into everything from helping with the phones to loading. We also have the backup of top lighting designers who turn designs around quickly.

What aspects of the role are you most excited about?

Working and supporting the Area Reps. I am already blown away by their experience and motivation.

I also can’t wait to get back into my flow and win some great projects and laugh, as it’s good to be around people again. I remember the first time I went out with a pre-plugged fitting to show to a wholesaler. It was almost as big as me (but luckily it didn’t weigh very much), there is always a lot of fun to be had.

What’s your top tip for those working within a sales support role within lighting? 

Treat everyone how you would like to be treated. And be honest, ask lots of questions – it helps get the job right from the start.

How do you like to unwind in your spare time?

I have an allotment – I can get very excited about potatoes.

Also, my son plays football.

You will often find me shouting very loudly from my camping chair, wrapped in a blanket in mid-winter, as I am his biggest supporter. Now he is in his teens, I have finally learnt it’s not ok to clap for the other team 😊.

Do you have any words of wisdom for anyone thinking of joining the lighting world?

Go for it! The level of training and support is amazing, and there is enough business out there for everyone. If you love to learn, you will always be a student.